Thursday, March 4, 2010

Anyone wanna play tag?

I really hate this time of the semester. Midterms. There is so much that I want to be doing instead of studying (such as blogging), but alas, I haven't had much time for anything else. 

Anywho, I was tagged by xoxo, brittany a while ago for this fun little game of photo tag.

Here are the rules:
1. Open your 1st Photo folder.
2. Scroll to the 10th photo.
3. Post the photo and the story behind it.
4. Tag 5 or more people.

I took this photo in May 2006 on a choir trip to NYC. It was my second time in New York and I fell even more in love with The Big Apple. I believe this was in Central Park, but it may have just been some beauty I found elsewhere in the city. While on the trip we saw Wicked (my personal favorite) and Chicago. The awesome thing about this particular trip is that my older sister/best friend was a chaperon so it ended up being even more fun than the first time I had gone with choir. Highlights include: NY pizza at 2AM, having people congratulate me on getting married because I was wearing a cream cocktail dress walking next to a guy friend in a suit, camping out in the hallway because we couldn't check-in and then finding that our room had not been cleaned and finding used needles everywhere and so much more. I love NYC. :)

Because I love pictures so much, you'll also get to enjoy pictures of my "wedding dress" and a disgruntled shot of the hallway picnic. Note: there are 3 more people and a lot more bags in that hallway. Also, I think the disheveled appearance of the picture fits with the mood of that day. 

Tag! You're it:
Patti @ For when my head gets full
Stephen @ Blogs by Night
T @ It's My Moment to Shine
eQ @ Misguided Me
Carina @ the BLOGETTE
Another David @ I've Never Been Good with Titles