If you aren't one of the 2+ million people part of the Facebook event, today has been deemed "Tell Her She's Beautiful" Day.
So, all my lovely readers, you are beautiful.
Isn't it kind of funny that we need to have designated days for these types of things? Why can't we all simply express our feelings on a daily basis? Imagine for a second a world where you paid a compliment to someone every single time they deserved one and vice versa; wouldn't it be amazing? I sure think so.
The sweet nothings I receive the most are:
You have an amazing ass/butt/donk/etc.
You smell amazing.
You have great hair. (not so much anymore)
You're sexy/hott/fine.
You're so smart. (ugh)
You're beautiful.
You look good.
And the ones I wish I heard more often:
You're amazing.
You have beautiful eyes.
I love your shoes/outfit/purse/etc.
You are absolutely gorgeous.
What are you're favorite compliments?
Here are some of mine:
"You are beautiful" -- Variations include "you look beautiful", "you're gorgeous", "you look amazing", etc. They do not include, "you look fine as hell", "you look damn sexy", "you look hott as %*&#" etc.
It sometimes surprises me how much a relatively simple compliment can brighten your day. I love those days where I don't think I look drop-dead gorgeous (or on the days I do) and someone sincerely tells me that I look good/beautiful/gorgeous/amazing. When it isn't dripping in sexual implications it is so much better, but there are days were I want to hear how much you want to ravage my body. ;)
"You smell wonderful"
This may be considered a strange compliment to love receiving, but this is the way I think about it: people can fake so much, including telling you that you're beautiful, that they like your shoes, that you did a great job, etc., but who is going to lie to you about the fact that you smelling good? It also means that someone had to get close enough to notice your scent, which is usually a good thing too (my personal bubble isn't too big). In addition, for me, smell tends to be a more overwhelming sense. I see so much beauty, I hear so much beauty, but having an absolutely delectable scent tickle my senses? That doesn't happen as much. Thus, when it does, I am more likely to just blurt out "you smell amazing".
"You have amazing eyes"
I think my eyes are amazing and I love when others agree. :) They're navy blue at the outer edges and fade into a medium/pale blue then have a small ring of green around the pupil. Awesome right? (The correct answer is yes.) Like the smell thing, it also means the person has gotten close enough and paid enough attention to notice them, which makes me think favorably of them and of the compliment's sincerity.
So, what are yours? Tell me, tell me, tell me! :)