Thursday, February 18, 2010

... ::awkward silence::

My ex is finally moving out of his mom's house and into his own place...

with another ex of mine...

and my one of my best friends...

whom I have a lot of sexual tension with...

I don't think I'll be going to that house warming.


  1. hahah oh, what a predicament. good luck with that girly ;)

  2. Oh lord!!!!!

    That could be a really bad situation or a really great one.... depending on if you're into 4somes............

  3. Brittany - thanks!

    T - Haha. Oh man, that certainly would be something, to say the least. Though ex #2 did have something up with his naughty bits, or not up, if ya know what I mean...

  4. I think you should definitely go! These kind of moments are the stuff great sitcoms are made of! ;)

    And to, y'know, set the tone. If you keep avoiding that place then when you inevitable get forced to head over there it'll be EXTRA awkward because you'll feel awkward. Go looking extra hot and BAM. Moment defused.

  5. yikes!! maybe you need to find a new group of people!! :)
