Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My dearest twenty-ten...

Hello 2010. You're 5 days old now so I feel that you're old enough to hear what I am expecting from you during our next 360 days together.

Be fun! Make this year one to remember. Good friends, good laughs, good times. Make memories that will last a lifetime this year. Live through things that give us stories people will barely believe. 

Be exciting! Allow time for the little things. Plain and simple. Don't get wrapped up in the infinitesimal details of life. Instead, focus of the bigger picture. Focus on what makes you smile, on what makes life worth it. Truly live. 

Be different! Introduce something new into the status quo. It doesn't have to stay around forever, but its good to break out of that comfort zone every know and then. 

That's all I really want. 

Oh, and maybe a new pair (or two) of amazing heels. 


  1. Different..fun..exciting and BETTER please!!

  2. I found the pic on www.weheartit.com. It can also be found at http://micro.usuariodeinternet.es/post/198642740/night-lights

  3. I enjoyed this post, written as a letter to the year 2010, I totally agree with the things you said, and love the picture too :)

