Monday, January 11, 2010

Snow, snow, snow. <3

So often (too often) I hear people complaining about winter - about the snow, about the cold, etc. - and although I hated it today as I was sloshing my way to class, most of the time I just want to shake these people and show them everything there is to love about winter. I'm one of those people you may hate; the ones that get giddy about the first snow fall. I love the way snow blankets the ground and settles on tree branches. I love scarfs and hats and mittens and winter coats. I could go on and on, but I think it will suffice it to say that I love winter. 

This past weekend I was able to enjoy one of the wonders a Michigan winter before returning to another semester of school, stress & studying. The weekend was spent doing one of two things: snowmobiling or relaxing at the cottage. It was a wonderful way to end my break from reality, after all, there isn't much better than a fun activity with people you love. We put a little over 100 miles on the sleds and shared some great laughs. Overall, it was an incredible weekend.

{four pretty ladies}

{Northern Michigan beauty}

Winter isn't so bad, is it? Share your thoughts! 


  1. girl, i feel you about another semester and stress!

    um...not a fan of snow/winter...but that's why i live in cali! those pics are beautiful though!


  2. Haha, fair enough. I suppose my love comes from being raised in Michigan with all our wintery goodness -- snowmen, snowball fights, snowboarding, snowmobiling, snow angels, snow days, sledding, ice skating, skiing, etc.

    And of course, it's always nice to have a perfect excuses to curl up with a comfy blanket in front of a warm fireplace and sip on some rich hot cocoa. =)

  3. I've never had snow unless I travel and I miss snow terribly :) it's so pretty and people should love it..and bundle up :)

  4. I get giddy over the first snow fall, but being locked in for days is no fun... Sabine x

  5. Andhari - Bundling up key! Nothing is too fun when you're freezing your butt off!

    Sabine - Being snowed in is no fun indeed! Maybe for a day or two, but after that - nope, nope, nope!

  6. Nope, I've personally found that snow makes 80% of things look more beautiful. Was nice chewing the fat with you, blue eyes! I'll check out your blog in more detail when I"m free :D

  7. Hmm. While I do love watching the first snow fall, I LOVE snow during the holidays and snowmobiling can be fun... I just hate being cold. And I hate when the snow gets all icky dirty. Pretty sure I just live in the wrong state, hehe.

  8. I <3 winter! I wish it was fall/winter all year round. Ahh... the snow... I love it. ;) Plus the clothes are so much cuter.

  9. Krysten - I agree about snow not being as pretty when it gets all brown and slushy!

    T - I couldn't agree more! Maybe a month or two of summer to enjoy the beach and lakes and such, but we can get rid of spring. =)

  10. Winter can only be enjoy if properly accessorised!
