Thursday, March 4, 2010

Anyone wanna play tag?

I really hate this time of the semester. Midterms. There is so much that I want to be doing instead of studying (such as blogging), but alas, I haven't had much time for anything else. 

Anywho, I was tagged by xoxo, brittany a while ago for this fun little game of photo tag.

Here are the rules:
1. Open your 1st Photo folder.
2. Scroll to the 10th photo.
3. Post the photo and the story behind it.
4. Tag 5 or more people.

I took this photo in May 2006 on a choir trip to NYC. It was my second time in New York and I fell even more in love with The Big Apple. I believe this was in Central Park, but it may have just been some beauty I found elsewhere in the city. While on the trip we saw Wicked (my personal favorite) and Chicago. The awesome thing about this particular trip is that my older sister/best friend was a chaperon so it ended up being even more fun than the first time I had gone with choir. Highlights include: NY pizza at 2AM, having people congratulate me on getting married because I was wearing a cream cocktail dress walking next to a guy friend in a suit, camping out in the hallway because we couldn't check-in and then finding that our room had not been cleaned and finding used needles everywhere and so much more. I love NYC. :)

Because I love pictures so much, you'll also get to enjoy pictures of my "wedding dress" and a disgruntled shot of the hallway picnic. Note: there are 3 more people and a lot more bags in that hallway. Also, I think the disheveled appearance of the picture fits with the mood of that day. 

Tag! You're it:
Patti @ For when my head gets full
Stephen @ Blogs by Night
T @ It's My Moment to Shine
eQ @ Misguided Me
Carina @ the BLOGETTE
Another David @ I've Never Been Good with Titles 

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Do you believe in magic?

While catching up on some blogs, I came across a quote I fell in love with on It's Unbeweavable.

"Magic is in all of us and in every one who believes they can make beautiful things happen. It's in a first kiss, in fireworks, running with your girlfriends down the beach at midnight, screaming into the sky. It's falling in love and falling down the rabbit hole. It's in your dreams and imagination. 

We can all use magic."
I believe in magic
I believe in beauty.
I believe in love.
I believe in fate.
I believe in happiness. 
I believe in lust.
I believe in friendship.
I believe in laughing so hard it hurts.
I believe in fighting for what you want.
I believe in fairy tales.
I believe in forever.

What can I say? I'm a believer.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

... ::awkward silence::

My ex is finally moving out of his mom's house and into his own place...

with another ex of mine...

and my one of my best friends...

whom I have a lot of sexual tension with...

I don't think I'll be going to that house warming.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Mood lighting anyone?

Around Christmas my roommates and I hung lights around our living room. They looked great and we all loved the atmosphere they provided. Once Christmas was over and the decorations were loaded back into boxes, we missed the ambiance so I decided to bust out the old origami paper and make some more balloons. When you put them onto strands of Christmas lights they look amazing. Here are some (decent) pictures for your viewing pleasure. 

Thursday, February 11, 2010

You are absolutely beautiful

If you aren't one of the 2+ million people part of the Facebook event, today has been deemed "Tell Her She's Beautiful" Day. 

So, all my lovely readers, you are beautiful. 


Isn't it kind of funny that we need to have designated days for these types of things? Why can't we all simply express our feelings on a daily basis? Imagine for a second a world where you paid a compliment to someone every single time they deserved one and vice versa; wouldn't it be amazing? I sure think so.

The sweet nothings I receive the most are:

You have an amazing ass/butt/donk/etc.
You smell amazing.
You have great hair. (not so much anymore)
You're sexy/hott/fine.
You're so smart. (ugh)
You're beautiful.
You look good.

And the ones I wish I heard more often:
You're amazing.
You have beautiful eyes.
I love your shoes/outfit/purse/etc.
You are absolutely gorgeous

What are you're favorite compliments?

Here are some of mine:

"You are beautiful" -- Variations include "you look beautiful", "you're gorgeous", "you look amazing", etc. They do not include, "you look fine as hell", "you look damn sexy", "you look hott as %*&#" etc.
It sometimes surprises me how much a relatively simple compliment can brighten your day. I love those days where I don't think I look drop-dead gorgeous (or on the days I do) and someone sincerely tells me that I look good/beautiful/gorgeous/amazing. When it isn't dripping in sexual implications it is so much better, but there are days were I want to hear how much you want to ravage my  body. ;) 

"You smell wonderful" 
This may be considered a strange compliment to love receiving, but this is the way I think about it: people can fake so much, including telling you that you're beautiful, that they like your shoes, that you did a great job, etc., but who is going to lie to you about the fact that you smelling good? It also means that someone had to get close enough to notice your scent, which is usually a good thing too (my personal bubble isn't too big). In addition, for me, smell tends to be a more overwhelming sense. I see so much beauty, I hear so much beauty, but having an absolutely delectable scent tickle my senses? That doesn't happen as much. Thus, when it does, I am more likely to just blurt out "you smell amazing".

"You have amazing eyes"
I think my eyes are amazing and I love when others agree. :) They're navy blue at the outer edges and fade into a medium/pale blue then have a small ring of green around the pupil. Awesome right? (The correct answer is yes.) Like the smell thing, it also means the person has gotten close enough and paid enough attention to notice them, which makes me think favorably of them and of the compliment's sincerity. 

So, what are yours? Tell me, tell me, tell me! :)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Friday night adventure

I'm in an a capella group at school. I love it. The people are absolutely amazing and we always have a ton of fun together.

Anyways, about two weeks ago (it was a Friday) we had rehearsal for a big performance we had the next day. When we finally finished up around 10:00PM, one of the guys announced that it was his birthday and that they were going out to a club in the area.

I was in the mood to dance, but I didn't want to go without my RedHead. After much coaxing, a few of us finally convinced her to go out. I think the defining factor was when our director indicated that the club was going to "go CRAZY" over RedHead and I... something about white girls with rhythm.

However, just leaving and going wasn't exactly an option. We both needed to get ourselves cute. In our persuasion of RedHead, I agreed to drive us all around town to accomplish said cuteness. First we made our way to my apartment where I sped through putting on a killer outfit, throwing on a damn cute pair of pumps and fixing my hair; RedHead did her make-up. 

We then made our way to where she was house sitting... 35 minutes later, we arrive. The roles were reversed this time -- RedHead got ready and I did my make-up. Once she was ready, well almost ready, she realized she had no shoes to wear. Thus, we have to drive to where she usually resides... 20 minutes later, we arrive. We grab her shoes and head back to the city... 40 minutes later we were back in the city and we both looked fine as hell.
We meet up with the choir people at the club and got in line to get it. Someone made a comment about us looking cute. Afterwards, someone else said, "You don't wanna look too cute...". I was a bit disappointed; I thought that the guys there must not be of the highest caliber, but oh well, I was just looking forward to letting loose on the dance floor. 

Almost immediately after we made our way to the dance floor my hand gets grabbed and I'm pulled into a group of mostly guys and a few girls. Wow, that guy's hand was really soft! Who moisturizes like that? Before I'm even done processing those thoughts someone grabs by hips with such sexual prowess I didn't even know how to react... that was until I noticed the softness of the body pressing against mine. I turned my head enough to see who was behind me. She looked at me and winked. Yes, she. 

For the first time I actually took in my environment -- there were men dancing with other men, men kissing other men, women caressing other women; I was at a gay bar. My friends had taken me to a gay bar without warning. I looked smokin' hott, but no males were going to admire me there. No, instead, I was a blonde beacon asking to be mauled by multiple women. And as though I didn't stand out enough, once the DJ saw me he announced, "Taylor Swift is in he house tonight!".

Over the course of the night, I had my ass smacked, my hips grabbed, my thighs touched and even had my hair pulled.

At one point, I found a set of keys on the floor. A few minutes later I saw people searching the floor with light from cell phones. I ask one of them if they are looking for keys, they say yes and I hand them over. I should have given then to my male friend to give back. Once I put the keys in the girls hand, I was picked up and had to just about dislocate my neck to keep my mouth far enough away from her encroaching open lips and tongue.

Even with all of the nonsense that went down, I had an amazing time. My choir friends were amazed that I, a little white girl, could dance like I can. I loved it. At 2:30AM when I arrived home, my ass was literally numb from how much it was grabbed, squeezed, smacked, etc. It was an experience to say the least, but it's a fun story to tell. 

Friday, February 5, 2010

I'm a believer

I just got back from seeing Dear John. Overall, it wasn't a terrible disappointment, but at the same time, I hoped for more. Like always, the book was better.

The real question that arose from this outing is, have authors like Nicholas Sparks given me a false hope about what love can truly be?

In the past I have been told I need to stop chasing a fairytale. I was told that real life isn't like what is depicted on screen or written on paper, that true love isn't everything I expect it to be.

I don't can't believe that. Call me foolish, naive, what you may, but I believe in love and frankly, I need to believe in love. I have so much love to give that I simply cannot fathom the idea of not sharing it with someone who feels for me everything I feel for them.

We all have our own ideas about what true love is; our own definition of "happily ever after". Don't we all deserve to have our own fairytale? Or should we settle for what is laid before us?

Does your answer change if what you are "settling" for is still something very real, but just not everything you want or need?

Is it so wrong to believe that you shouldn't have to settle for anything less than extraordinary? 

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A slow and painful death

I've been slacking.

Please forgive me.

I really am sorry.

It doesn't mean I don't love you, I promise.

You see, my 21st birthday was this past weekend.

What does that have to do with anything? Well, it means that I was out of commission battling a demon hangover when I should have been studying.

Now school is slowly eroding my soul.

I'll make sweet, passionate blog love to you tomorrow.


Thursday, January 28, 2010

My beautiful new babies

First things first, I have an irrefutable, undying love (obsession?) with shoes. 

Second, my birthday is on Sunday (feel free to send gifts). ;) Did I mention that this isn't just any ol' birthday? It's my 21st birthday. As such, you should assume that there will be a hefty celebration taking place.

Conclusion: I bought myself these bad boys.

Goodness me, I'm in love. 

“It's really hard to walk in a single woman's shoes -- that's why you sometimes need really special shoes!” -- Carrie Bradshaw, Sex and the City

Friday, January 22, 2010

When words leave off, music begins.

Someone in my apartment building does not know how to cook. (No, it wasn’t me. I made some delicious mahi-mahi tonight – YUM!)

I came to this realization as I was sitting in my living room shooting the breeze with one of my roommates when the fire alarm went off and we were told to evacuate the building.

We figured it was going to be a while before they were going to let us back in, so we walked over to one of our favorite hole-in-the-wall bars. After enjoying my glass of Riesling and realizing it had gone to my head a bit, I was reminded of a song I heard with on my way home from
up north a couple weeks ago (She’s Everything – Brad Paisley).

She's a Saturday out on the town
And a church girl on Sunday
She's a cross around her neck
And a cuss word 'cause its Monday
She's a bubble bath and candles
Baby come and kiss me
She's a one glass of wine
And she's feeling kinda tipsy

It describes me pretty well, so do a few other lines in the song, such as “the stealer of the covers”.

I don’t think this song completely describes me; in fact, it’s not even close to the whole story. I’m definitely not a church girl every Sunday, or a party animal every Saturday for that matter. Although, I think there is a cuss word (or two) for every Monday.

I like to think I have a nice balance in my life -- I know how to have a good time, yet I don’t let it be the focal point of my life. I get stressed out, but I know when to allow myself to relax. I love kisses (from the right men, of course). And lastly, one glass of wine can make me feel slightly tipsy.

I’m little, that last one is acceptable. :)

What song(s) do you think describes who you are?

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Today’s forecast: Cloudy with a chance of what the #@%$!?

This morning, I woke bright and early to run before heading to class. On my way to the gym, I was walking behind a man when all of a sudden said man stopped in the crevice between two businesses, pulled out his naughty bits, and began urinating all over the sidewalk. I literally had to leap over the urine river this man was pouring out onto my beloved streets of Detroit.

After running three miles it was time to head back to get ready for the day. However, this was not before three more strange encounters on the (short) walk back. First, seeing that it was rather wintery outside, I decided to cut through one of the buildings at school. As I walked through the halls at my fairly average 5’4’’, a looming creature appears behind me. It doesn’t stay behind me long, given the length of its strides, I wasn’t surprised. There in front of me was Sasquatch. Sasquatch with jeans ripped in the back from the floor to knees, exposing calves that were the size of small children. I watched in amazement as Sasquatch ducked to enter a classroom.

After picking my jaw up from the floor, I continued on my journey. Once I walked outside again there was a group of four construction workers (they’re renovating our Chemistry building), as soon as they saw me they became googly eyed, fixated on my… assets. I continue walking and notice in the next window that my workout pants do in fact make my butt look fantastic. To add a little more fuel to my booty ego, as I’m standing on the corner waiting to be able to cross the street, there are two men in a car next to me. They don’t think I can hear them talking, but I can. One turns to the other and says (while staring at me arse), “How did that happen?! She’s white!”. Don’t get the wrong idea, it isn't out of control, it’s just nice and bubbly, especially for a petite, little white girl – or so I’ve been told.

Once I finally make it my apartment, I hop in the shower. Suddenly, as I’m enjoying the feeling of the hot water running down my body, I hear an obnoxious beeping. It takes me a few seconds to realize what it was – the fire alarm. I push the shower curtain aside and open the door a crack. I hear that it is only a test and was relieved, however, that didn’t change the fact that my relaxing shower now had a soundtrack consisting solely of annoying beeps.

Things were relatively normal for the next couple of hours, then I went to Secretary of State (I needed renew my driver’s license). While walking from my car to their office I was hit on by a couple boys who looked no older than 13. Sorry boys, I’m not interested, keep walking.

As I’m driving back to my apartment afterwards, I get stopped at a light on one of the busiest corners of campus. As I am stopped here, I enjoy some people watching. That is when I see him her him her this person -- approximately 6’2’’, very masculine face (I could see a 5 o’clock shadow), olive colored pea coat, showing a bit of leg and wearing 4-inch, patent leather, knee high hooker boots.

Was tonight a full moon? It must have been. All the crazies come out when there is a full moon.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hey there beautiful

Welp, my blog is beautiful and/or I’m beautiful. Brittany told me so. =) Thanks bunches! 

The rules to this award are as follows:
1. Thank the person who gave you the award
2. Paste the award on your blog
3. Link the person who nominated you for the award
4. Tell 7 interesting things about yourself
5. Nominate 7 bloggers or less

One. I was born in Germany, though I am not German.

Two.  I read my horoscope on a daily basis and more times than not, it’s accurate.

Three.  I have a tattoo.

Four. My family means the world to me. We’re unconventional and quirky, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Five. I have a weakness for chocolate covered strawberries.

Six. I could not live without music. I finally joined a choir again recently after two years of just singing in the car, shower, etc. – life is complete again.

Seven. I got kicked out of preschool for chasing a boy around the playground, cornering him in a playscape and kissing him. 

And I would like to nominate the following three beautiful bloggers (who I don't think have already received this):

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Words, why have you failed me? I needed you.

I wish I could put into words what I am feeling, but nothing is coming out correctly. 

Chivalry is dead will have to suffice for now.

Trust that I will elaborate once my thoughts and words work harmoniously.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

To err is human.

Mistakes. We make them every day -- some are big, some are small. Some make us feel like our world is going to end, some we hardly notice. 

Some people aren't proud of the life they lead or they constantly wish that they could be more successful, make more money, finish school, etc. Too often, these people try so hard to make sure that others don't follow in their footsteps that they end up alienating those they are trying to "save". They are so afraid that people they care about will make the same mistakes they made. What they fail to realize is that sometimes making mistakes, whether similar to the ones they made or vastly different, is the only way we really learn things. 

Life is beautiful, wonderful, amazing, but at the same time it is chaotic, terrible and heart-breaking. 

Sometimes we need to be broken down in order to become stronger, sometimes we need to suffer in order to become a better person, sometimes we need to be completely stupid in order to become wise. 

Mistakes teach us about ourselves. Mistakes expose our greatest fears. Each and every mistake shapes our life. Without them, we are nothing; without them, we are flawless masses traveling a single path our entire existence. Without making mistakes, how could we ever appreciate the beautiful things in life -- love, family, friendship, success, laughter?

Monday, January 11, 2010

Snow, snow, snow. <3

So often (too often) I hear people complaining about winter - about the snow, about the cold, etc. - and although I hated it today as I was sloshing my way to class, most of the time I just want to shake these people and show them everything there is to love about winter. I'm one of those people you may hate; the ones that get giddy about the first snow fall. I love the way snow blankets the ground and settles on tree branches. I love scarfs and hats and mittens and winter coats. I could go on and on, but I think it will suffice it to say that I love winter. 

This past weekend I was able to enjoy one of the wonders a Michigan winter before returning to another semester of school, stress & studying. The weekend was spent doing one of two things: snowmobiling or relaxing at the cottage. It was a wonderful way to end my break from reality, after all, there isn't much better than a fun activity with people you love. We put a little over 100 miles on the sleds and shared some great laughs. Overall, it was an incredible weekend.

{four pretty ladies}

{Northern Michigan beauty}

Winter isn't so bad, is it? Share your thoughts! 

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Mmmm tastey

As the sweet, sweet taste of freedom begins to fade and the darkness of the next semester encroaches, I will be taking brief hiatus to go enjoy the wonders of Northern Michigan.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Hey there handsome

Tonight is just one of those nights. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about; one of those nights where things just feel right and you can't help but go to bed with a smile on your face. I love these nights. What caused this to occur you ask? I'll give you one guess. 

That's right. It's a member of the opposite sex, and a quite handsome one at that. 

I really don't know what will come of this. All I truly know is that right now, I am happy; right now, I am going to bed with a smile on my face and smelling of his cologne. 

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My dearest twenty-ten...

Hello 2010. You're 5 days old now so I feel that you're old enough to hear what I am expecting from you during our next 360 days together.

Be fun! Make this year one to remember. Good friends, good laughs, good times. Make memories that will last a lifetime this year. Live through things that give us stories people will barely believe. 

Be exciting! Allow time for the little things. Plain and simple. Don't get wrapped up in the infinitesimal details of life. Instead, focus of the bigger picture. Focus on what makes you smile, on what makes life worth it. Truly live. 

Be different! Introduce something new into the status quo. It doesn't have to stay around forever, but its good to break out of that comfort zone every know and then. 

That's all I really want. 

Oh, and maybe a new pair (or two) of amazing heels. 

Monday, January 4, 2010

Well hello there, you look nice today.

Welcome to my little corner of cyberspace.

I’ve wanted to start one of these things for quite some time, actually no! I’ve wanted to start AND maintain one of these things for quite some time, but alas, life has always gotten in the way. But it’s a new year, and frankly, my life is sometimes too interesting not to share with at least a sliver of the world, so here we are. Hope you’re ready and hope you enjoy my stories, nonsensical ramblings and everything in-between.

A bit about me first, I suppose, in case you’re someone out there caught in the interwebs that doesn’t actually know me. I’m young and full of life, a full time student and loyal friend, currently single and just looking to have a good time (take that last one as you wish). I’ve been told I have a killer combination of brains and beauty, but I’ll let you be the judge of that. I live in and absolutely love the city of Detroit, though my desire to see the world is still strong. I am an Aquarius; remember that and you’ll know a lot about me. When my life isn’t consumed with school, I enjoy a good party, which usually involves too much alcohol and many bad decisions, but always involves good times, good friends and great memories (or lack thereof). I try my best to live my life with no regrets, which I know sound like a load of bullshit, but let me explain. I think we all regret things, but I think that many people, including myself, realize that we wouldn’t be the person that we are today without every mistake, challenge, upset, heartbreak, etc. and if you like the person you’ve become, you own up to every inopportune moment and realize that it helped shape you into the person you are.

That’s enough about me for now; continue on this journey and you’ll learn more. I promise.